Seeing myself as a designer with a curious and involved attitude towards the world around me.

Fascinated by the human body and it’s movements and motives. Why do people do
the things they do?

I like to respond to this by tackling social problems.
For example, lending a hand to human posture in evolution with my project ‘Orthoses for the future’.

Or by tackling my own pitfalls as a maker by designing a personalized and wearable methodology named ‘It all appeared to be linked’.

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BA - Cum Laude
New Design & Attitudes
St. Joost, 's- Hertogenbosch (NL)
2020 - 2024

BA - Exchange semester
Jewellery Design and Goldsmithing
Sint Lucas, Antwerp (BE)
2022 - 2023

Intermediate Vocational Education
Spatial Design
SintLucas, Boxtel (NL)
2015 - 2019




Research-based designer focused on body, its movements, and motives



Curation, Internship, 2023/2024

Exhibited at
Gallery 3 - Het Nieuwe Instituut
(18-11-23 to 28-01-2024)

Project by Current Obsession
Photography by Anwyn Howarth

During my internship at Current Obsession I assisted the curation of exhibition GemZ: Unpacked. 

About GEMZ:
GEMZ is a talent accelerator programme initiated by Current Obsession (CO). To support a new generation of young makers as they develop their voices, CO launched the programme in 2020. The main goal of GEMZ is to foster relationships between young creatives, cultural institutions and the industry (Current Obsession, n.d.).

For more information, visit the GEMZ webpage.

About the ‘Unpacked’:
Emerging from the far corners of the world, eleven bodies of work arrive at a metaphorical processing facility. Here, the backgrounds, geographies, resources and conditions of the objects at hand are unpacked and inventorised.

The inventory, traditionally associated with overseeing storage, takes on a new role as a space for contemplation. Its purpose lies in guiding visitors through an incomplete and intricate exploration of one-of-a kind artworks, unfolding their layers — the technical, the conceptual, and the material.

‘Unpacked’ acts as a dissemination point, where eleven GEMZ Talents push their critical reflection into active world-building in the presence of the visitor. Collectively they initiate a communal dialogue that seeks out a broad audience in the here and now. (Current Obsession, n.d.).

For more information, visit the GEM Z Unpacked webpage.