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Seeing myself as a designer and a prospective educator with a curious and involved attitude towards the world around me.

Fascinated by the human body and it’s movements and motives. Why do people do the things they do?

I like to respond to this by tackling social problems. For example, lending a hand to human posture in evolution with my project ‘Orthoses for the future.’

Or by tackling my own pitfalls as a maker by designing a personalized and wearable methodology named ‘It all appeared to be linked.’

Teacher Visual Arts and Design

Fontys Academy of the Arts,
Tilburg (NL)
2024 - Now

BA - Cum Laude
New Design

St. Joost,
's- Hertogenbosch (NL)
2020 - 2024

BA - Exchange semester
Jewellery Design and Goldsmithing
Sint Lucas, Antwerp (BE)
2022 - 2023

Intermediate Vocational Education
Spatial Design
SintLucas, Boxtel (NL)
2015 - 2019




Research-based designer focused on body, its movements, and motives


Jewellery Design, Stainless steel, 2022

Our bodies are slowly molding themselves to our excessive screen use.

Adapting to Screen Dependency
Due to frequent screen use, people are slowly molding themselves to it. You could say that our devices are becoming part of us. People suffer from the smartphone little finger, their thumbs and wrists suffer from the lightning-fast response to messages, a bent forward neck and curved back seem impossible to escape, certainly due to evolution. Inspired by Silversplints, I have made a series of jewellery that raises awareness for this.

Jewellery as Awareness
The jewellery; Orthoses For The Future, are designed to give the idea of a piece of jewellery and thus create the illusion that it can simply be worn as a piece of jewellery. Once worn, you will soon notice that operating devices such as smartphones, laptops and tablets are made difficult. You are forced to maintain a good upright posture, and that is when the jewellery turns into an orthosis.