Seeing myself as a designer and a prospective educator with a curious and involved attitude towards the world around me.

Fascinated by the human body and it’s movements and motives. Why do people do the things they do?

I like to respond to this by tackling social problems. For example, lending a hand to human posture in evolution with my project ‘Orthoses for the future’.

Or by tackling my own pitfalls as a maker by designing a personalized and wearable methodology named ‘It all appeared to be linked’.

Art Education

Fontys Academy of the Arts
Tilburg (NL)
2024 - Now

BA - Cum Laude
New Design & Attitudes

St. Joost,
's- Hertogenbosch (NL)
2020 - 2024

BA - Exchange semester
Jewellery Design and Goldsmithing
Sint Lucas, Antwerp (BE)
2022 - 2023

Intermediate Vocational Education
Spatial Design
SintLucas, Boxtel (NL)
2015 - 2019




Research-based designer focused on body, its movements, and motives


Jewellery Design, Stainless steel, 2022